Bhargav Ayurveda

Amaltas|??????|CASSIA FISTULA

Botanical Name ? ?CASSIA FISTULA

Family ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?LEGUMINOSAE

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Sanskrit Aragwadhah, Arakvadam, Arevata, Amayaghata, Kushthasudana, Amaha, Antadru, Aragbadha, Aragbhada, Aragvadha, Aragvadhah, Arogyashimbi,Aruja, Chaturangula,Caturangula, Caturangulah, Chakraparivyadha, Dhirghaphala, Dirghaphala, Dirghaphalah,Drumotpala, Himapushpa,Jatharanut, Jvarantaka, Kandughna, Karnabharanaka, Karnikara, Karnikarah, Kritamala, Kritamalaka, Krtamala, Krtamalah,Krtamalaka, Kundali, Kushtaghna, Kushthasudana, Mahakarnikara, Maharajdruma, Manthana, Naktamala,

Naradhipa, Narendradrma,Nripadruma, Nrpadrma, Nrpataru, Nrpavrksa, Pragraha, Pramcha, Rajadrma, Rajataru, Rajavraksha,

Rajavriksha, Rajavrksa,Rajavrksah, Rasetiktah, Recanah, Rechana, Rochana, Sampaka, Samyak, Samyaka, Samyakah,

Saraphala, Sauvarni, Shamyaka,Shephalika, Suvarnaka, Svarnabhusana, Svarnabhushana, Svarnadra, Svarnasthali,

Svarnavriksha, Vyadhighata, Vyadhighatah,Vyadivata, Vyathantaka, Evatah

Hindi Amaltas, Amaltash, Kirala, Kaniar amaltas, Amaltas-ki-phalli, Amulthus, Bandarlauri, Girimala, Girmalah, Sonhali, Semara,Kaniar amaltas, Alis,Kaniar, Amlatash, Garmalo karmalo, Bahawa dhediya, Kirmalo, Dodiya, Karmalo, Garmale, Dhediya, Bahawa
English Purging cassia
Urdu Amaltas, Mughze amaltas, Maghz amaltas, Khayarshanbar, Maghz khiyar shambar,
Telgu Aragvadhamu, Raelachettu , Koelapenna, Kolaponna, Kondrakayi
Marathi Chimkani, Garmala, Girimala, Balo, Bova Bhawan, Bahawa, Gurmala, Bahava, Bawa, Bhawabaya, Boya,
Gujrati Garmalo
Oriya Sonarli , Ngaingaw
Mizoram Ngaingaw
Persian Khiyar-chambar, Maghze khiyar-shamber, Khiyar-chanbar, Khiyar-shambar,





(Botanical Identification)

Cassia fistula is commonly known as The Golden shower tree. Cassia is a vast genus with various species consisting of yellow colored flowers. Cassia fistula is a large shrub or medium sized tree which grows up to a height of 20 to 40 feet height.The Cassia has few distinguishing features can be observed with little trouble. It is slightly smaller, but has the same spreading crown, long drooping branches and numerous, feathery leaves, but the branches are rough. The flowers are similar but the sepals are smooth, green inside and deep-red underneath.

Cassia fistula or the golden shower tree is generally used in landscape because of its wonderful showy flowers. During the blooming season, the flowers entirely cover the tree and give a perfect contrast to the landscape than the regular one.

Root :?Root is reddish brown and rough externally with numerous horizontal lenticels. The outermost tissue of bark can be peeled off easily. The inner surface os fresh bark is smooth and light pink in colour.The wood is porous, light yellow in colour and fibrous, irregular, woody fracture.

Stem :?When young the outer surface of stem is smooth and greenish to pale grey in colour but older stems are dark brown to greyish white with rough surface; wood is porous, yellowish white in colour; fracture tough, rough. T.S. of stem shows outermost layer of cork consisting of 18-24 rows of slightly thick walled tangentially elongated cells filled with brownish tannin content.

Leaf :?Leaves are paripinnate with 4-8 pairs of leaflets, coriaceous when fresh and papery on drying.Leaflets are broadly ovate, oblong, acute, occassionally acuminate or obtuse or emarginate, cuneate at base, midrib densely pubescent beneath.

Fruit :?Pods are 40-70 cm long and 20-27 mm in diameter, striaght or slightly curved, smooth, finely striated transversely. The dorsal suture appears as a single vascular strand and ventral suture as two closely applied strands. Internally the pod is divided by thin, buff coloured, transverse dissepiments, each compartment filled with black pulp and containing one seed.



DOSAGE Fruit pulp 5 – 10 gm (purgation dose 10 to 20 gm), Root kwath 50 – 100 ml (Root bark decoction 50 to 100 ml), Flower 5 – 10 gm flowers 5 to 10 gm
SCIENTIFIC/CLINICAL USES Hypoglycaemic | Anticancer | Anticolic | Antifertility | Estrogenic | Laxative | Antibacterial | Antipyretic | Antifungal | Smooth muscle stimulant | Antiviral | Purgative | Antiinflammatory | Antiarthritic | Antitussive |? Hepatoprotective |? Antiimplantation
CLASSICAL FORMULATIONS Avittoladi bhasm? |? Jatyadi taila? |? Jatyadi taila

Kustharakshas taila?? ?|?? Maha panchgavya ghrita??? |? Mahatiktaka ghrita? |? Nyagrodhadi churna


  • Roots are astringent, cooling, purgative, febrifuge and tonic. it is useful in skin diseases, burning sensations and syphilis.
  • It is also useful in cardiac disorders, intermittent fever and general debility.
  • It is useful in skin diseases, burning sensation, dry cough and bronchitis. Fruits are sweet, cooling, purgative, carminative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and ophthalmic. It is used in flatulence, colic, dysentery, inflammations and intermittent fever.
  • It is also used in cardiac disorders, strangury, opthalmopathy and general debility. Pulp from fruits called “Cassia Pulp” is a well known Laxative.
  • Bark of tree is rich in tannins. Flowers are bitter, acrid, cooling, emollient, purgative and are useful in vitiated condition of pitta, burning sensation, leprosy and skin diseases.
  • Bark is laxative, anthelmintic, emetic, febrifuge, diuretic and depurative. It is useful in boils, leprosy, ringworm affection, colic, dyspepsia, constipation, diabetes, strangury and cardiac problems. Leaves are laxative, antiperiodic and depurative.


Amaltas|??????|CASSIA FISTULA

Raw herb, Powder, Extract

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