Bhargav Ayurveda

Punarnava|????????|BOERHAVIA DIFFUSA|

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Sanskrit Name :- Bhauma, Kathilah, Kathilla, Kathillak, Kathillaka, Kathillakah,Katillah, Krishnakhya, Krura, Lohita, Mahavarsabhu, Mandalpatrika,Nava, Navyaswara, Nila, Nilapunarnava, Nilavarshabhu, Nilini, Pravrishayani,Pravrishenya, Punarbhava, Punarnava, Punarnavah,Raktakanda,Raktapatrika, Raktapunarnava, Raktapushpa, Raktapushpika, Raktavarshabhu, Sarini, Shilatika, Shodhani,Shonapatra,Shophaghni, Shothaghni, Shyma, Sinadika,Sindika, Sophaghni, Sophagni, Sothaghni, Sothagni, Tazutama,Vaishakhi, Varsabhu,Varsabu, Varshabhava,Varshabhu, Varshaketu, Visakha, Visakhah, Vishaghni, Vishakarpara,Vishakharpara, Vrsciva, Vrscivah,Vrusir

Hindi Name :- Beshakapore, Gadahpurna, Gadhaparna, Sant, Thikri, Ppunarnava,Santhi, Pundera, Purnava, Chinawari, Punarva, Gadhapurna, Sathi,Satha, Purnu

English Name :- Punarnava, Spreading hog-weed

Tamil Name :- Mukkurattai, Mukaratte, Mukkarattai-kirai, Mukurattai, Mookirathai saranai,Caranai, Caranai ver, Mukkirattai, Mukkuranti

Telgu Name :- Atikamamidi, Attatamamidi, Punarnava, Ambati madu, Attukamaamidi,Yerra galijeru

Urdu Name :- Tukhm-i-ispast

Bengali Name :- Punarnava, Punarnova

Kannada Name :- Gonajali, Kommegida, Sanadika, Adaka puttana gida, Belavadaka, Gaayi,Ganajali, Komme gida, Nadu murukana balli, Rakta punarnava

Malyalam Name :- Talutama, Tamilama, Tavilama, Thazhuthama

Marathi Name :- Vosu, Ghetuli, Kharaparya, Pandharighentuti, Raktavasu, Vasu, Getulee,Rakthavasu, Punarnava

Oriya Name :- Kopra sagu


PLANT DESCRIPTION (Botanical Identification) :- Diffusely branched prostate herbs. Stems upto 1.2 m long. Leaves long petioled, ovate or oblong-cordate, entire or sinuate. Flowers red, pink or white, in small umbels arranged in axillary and terminal panicles. Fruits ovate, oblong, pubescent, five ribbed, viscoid, glandular anthocarps.with white, glabrous above; lower leaves generally 1-3 floliolate; leaflets oblong of suborbicular.

Root : Cork is composed of thin walled, oval to polygonal parenchymatous cells. Vessels have pits and reticulate thickening; fibres are aseptate, thick walled, spindle-shaped with pointed ends.

Stem : Epidermal layer contains muticellular, uniseriate, glandular

trichomes consisting of ellipsoidal or clavate head and a stalk of 8-12 cells; cortex consists of 1-2 layers of collenchyma and 6-7 layers of parenchyma.

Leaf : Both upper and lowr epidermis show the presence of numerous multicellular glandular hairs and anomocytic stomata. Palisade is one layered, spongy parenchyma 2-4 layered, cells polyhedral or isodiametric in shape with distinct intercellular spaces.


DOSAGE :-??????????????? Swaras 5 – 10 ml, Seed churna 1 – 3 gm

Foreign matter 2.0 %, Total ash 13.0 %, Acid insoluble ash 4.0 %, Alcohol soluble extractive 3.0 %, Water soluble extractive 10.0 %


Diuretic? |?? Antiinflammatory |? Antiviral? | Anticonvulsant? |? Cardiotonic? |

Antihypertensive? |?? Hepatoprotective? |?? Antibacterial? | Antifibrinolytic


Amritaprasa ghrita? |?? Ardhabilva kvath churna? |?? Ashmarihar kashay churna? |?? Ashvagandha taila? |?? Brahma rasayan? |?? Brihat sarvajvarhar lauha? |?? Brihat vishamjvarantak lauha? |?? Chyavanaprasha? |?? Dadhika ghrita? |?? Dashmularishta? |?? Dhanvantara ghrita? |?? Dhanvantara taila? |?? Gandharvahastadi kvath churna? |?? Grahanimihir taila ?|?? Punarnavashtak kvath churna? |?? Rasnadi kvath churna (maha)? |?? Rasnasaptak kvath churna? |?? Saptasara kvath churna?? |?? Sothaghna lepa? |?? Sukumar ghrita? |?? Suskamulak taila? |?? Trifala ghrit? |?? Vastyamayantaka ghritaVataraktantaka rasa? | ??Vayucchaya surendra taila


  • Punarnava herb is most widely used in treatment of renal problems and urinary tract infections.
  • Punarnava Herb is used to treat jaundice, general fever and obesity.
  • It is also used as anti-inflammatory and diuretic agent.


GUNA (Quality)??????

Laghu, Ruksha

RASA (Taste)?????????

Madhur, Tikt, Kashay

VIPAK (Metabolism)?????????


VIRYA (Potency)???


PRABHAV (Impact)??????????



  1. Jain SP. Ethnomedicinal Plants of Jaunsar-BawarHills, Uttar Pradesh, India. J Ethnopharmacol 1984; 12(2):213-222.
  2. Anis M. Medicinal Plantlore of Aligarh, India. Int J Pharmacog 1994; 32(1):59-64.
  3. Agarwal RR. Chemical Examination of Punar-nava or Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. Proc Acad Sci 1934;4:73-76.
  4. Mudgal V. Studies on Medicinal Properties of Convolvulus Pluricaulis and Boerhaavia diffusa. Planta Med 1975; 28(1):62-68.
  5. Gaitonde BB. Diuretic Activity of Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa). Bull Haffkine Inst 1974; 2:24.
  6. Chowdhury A. Boerhaavia diffusa- Effect on Diuresis and Some Renal Enzymes. Ann Biochem Exp Med 1955; 15:119-126.
  7. Singh RP. Recent Approach in Clinical andExperimental Evaluation of Diuretic Action of Punarnava (B. diffusa) with Special Reference to Nephrotic Syndrome. J Res Edu Ind Med 1992; 7(1):29-35.
  8. Devi MV. Effect of Phyllanthus niruri on the Diuretic Activity of Punarnava Tablets. J Res Edu Ind Med 1986; 59(1):11-12.
  9. Mishra JP. Studies on the Effect of Indigenous Drug Boerhaavia diffusa Rom. on Kidney Regeneration. Indian J Pharmacy 1980; 12:59.
  10. Chandan BK. Boerhaavia diffusa: A Study of its Hepatoprotective Activity. J Ethnopharmacol1991; 31(3):299-307.
  11. Hansen K. In Vitro Screening of Traditional Medicines for Anti-Hypertensive Effect Based on Inhibition of the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE). J Ethnopharmacol 1995; 48(1):43-51.
  12. Dhar M. Screening of Indian Plants for Biological Activity: Part I. Indian J Exp Biol 1968; 6:232-247.
  13. Sohni. The Antiamoebic Effect of a Crude Drug Formulation of Herbal Extracts against Entamoeba histolytica in Vitro and in Vivo. J Ethnopharmacol 1995; 45(1):43-52.




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